What we do

We are a registered NGO that supports Gabonese indigenous Bwiti communities.

We run a range of intiatives to support Bwiti Communities in Gabon. Our aim is to ensure that Bwiti culture, rites and traditions are protected and preserved. To fund our projects we offer traditional Bwiti ceremonies in a retreat setting. 100% of the revenue earned from these retreats is re-invested in our projects.


Helping Bwiti communities thrive.


Project management and infrastructure development for Bwiti Communities.


Empowering youth with Bwiti cultural knowledge.


Safeguarding Bwiti culture and sacred plants.


Traditional Bwiti Iboga ceremonies for all.


Amplifying Bwiti communities’ rights and needs.

What we focus on

Infrastructure development

Improving Infrastructure for Bwiti Communities

In many Bwiti villages, basic infrastructure such as clean water, electricity, and roads is sorely lacking. Addressing these infrastructure gaps is crucial to enhance the quality of life and health outcomes for community members. At Bwiti Roots, we actively fund and manage a diverse range of infrastructure development projects.

Respecting Cultural Heritage, Empowering Communities

We deeply value community input and ensure their needs are at the forefront of our initiatives. Through close consultation, we respect and preserve the cultural heritage of the Bwiti communities while enhancing their living conditions. This organic approach is strengthened by our funders, who have a direct ancestral connection to Bwiti through lineage.

Projects on the Horizon

Our support extends beyond immediate needs. Future projects include developing infrastructure for clean water access, including wells, boreholes, and rainwater harvesting systems. We also strive to introduce sustainable energy sources like solar or wind power. Moreover, our efforts encompass enhancing road networks, bridges, and transportation to connect communities with vital services.


Preserving Traditional Bwiti Indigenous Knowledge.

At Bwiti Roots, we recognize the pressing need to safeguard the rich ancestral wisdom of Bwiti. With an increasing number of youths migrating to cities, the risk of losing this invaluable heritage grows. Oral transmission remains the sole method of teaching Bwiti culture, making it crucial to ensure its continuity for future generations.

Our Mission: Teach and Preserve

Our paramount mission is to safeguard and impart this precious knowledge. Through a range of dynamic education programs, we strive to uphold the legacy of Bwiti.

Empowering Through Education

Access to education is limited in many Bwiti villages, presenting a significant challenge. By improving educational opportunities, we empower individuals and communities alike. Our focused initiatives include constructing educational facilities, providing essential resources, and training dedicated teachers. This comprehensive approach paves the way for the preservation and transmission of traditional indigenous knowledge to the younger generations.


Enhancing Healthcare Access for Bwiti Communities

In rural areas of Gabon, including Bwiti villages, access to healthcare services is severely limited. Improving healthcare access is vital for enhancing health outcomes and the overall quality of life. At Bwiti Roots, we are dedicated to supporting and funding local traditional medicine clinics, which often serve as the primary healthcare resource for the community.

Preserving Traditional Healing Practices

Bwiti communities heavily rely on plants and traditional healing methods to address illnesses and diseases. Understanding the significance of traditional healers, we prioritize their support. We have already funded and managed the construction of a fully operational traditional medicine clinic in one of the villages. Additionally, we ensure these clinics have access to essential healthcare supplies to effectively serve the community.

Empowering Traditional Healthcare Workers

To further strengthen the healthcare system, we provide education programs focused on traditional medicinal plants, traditional medicine, and first aid training for traditional healthcare workers. By imparting knowledge and skills, we empower these vital caregivers to provide effective care within their communities.

Economic development

Empowering Bwiti Communities through Economic Opportunities

In the face of poverty and limited economic prospects, Bwiti villages are in need of sustainable solutions. At Bwiti Roots, all our projects are designed to provide tangible economic opportunities for the local communities. We prioritize the engagement of the local workforce for our development and educational initiatives, ensuring that the community benefits directly. Furthermore, we actively utilize local materials for our infrastructure projects, fostering economic growth and self-sufficiency.

Microfinance and Entrepreneurship Support

To empower individuals within the community, we provide microfinance opportunities to community members. By offering access to financial resources, we enable entrepreneurial endeavors and encourage economic independence. Additionally, we actively promote sustainable agriculture practices, creating pathways for long-term economic stability.

Reinvesting in the Communities

Through our Iboga retreats, we generate income that is reinvested directly into the communities. We have developed the necessary infrastructure to host visitors in Gabon for Iboga ceremonies and immersive trips. This venture has proven to be a significant source of revenue, contributing to the economic growth and well-being of the local communities.

Cultural Preservation

Preserving the Unique Bwiti Culture: A Legacy for Generations

The Bwiti culture stands as a distinct and significant part of Gabonese heritage. Supporting endeavors to preserve Bwiti cultural traditions and language is vital to ensure the continued flourishing of this invaluable legacy. At our core, this preservation mission fuels our passion and dedication. We grasp the profound impact this culture can have on the world and tirelessly work to safeguard its authentic essence.

Fostering Connections: Bridging Communities

We forge connections not only within Gabon but also across the globe, facilitating the sharing and passing on of knowledge. Through community online social platforms, we provide a space for Iboga retreat participants and Bwiti communities to network, connect, offer support, and exchange ideas. This digital forum serves as a vibrant hub for collective growth and shared experiences.

Sharing Bwiti Knowledge Worldwide

Our efforts extend beyond Gabon’s borders as we actively share Bwiti knowledge with the world. We offer immersive retreats and serve as spokespersons and advocates at events and conferences, enabling a broader audience to engage with and learn from the Bwiti culture. Additionally, we maintain a dynamic knowledge hub in both French and English, continuously expanding its resources. Our blog regularly features authentic stories and firsthand information from the Bwiti communities, providing valuable insights into their rich heritage.

Environmental Preservation

Safeguarding Nature and Cultural Heritage: Promoting Sustainability

Bwiti communities share a profound bond with the natural environment, relying on its resources for their livelihoods. At Bwiti Roots, we are committed to fostering sustainable environmental practices. We actively support conservation efforts, promote renewable energy solutions, and advocate for policies that protect the invaluable natural resources crucial to Bwiti communities.

Protecting against Environmental Degradation

Deforestation, mining, and other forms of environmental degradation have profound consequences for Bwiti communities. The forest, central to their livelihoods and cultural practices, faces immense challenges. Moreover, the commercialization and exploitation of sacred plants like Iboga, integral to Bwiti rituals and traditions, raise concerns about preserving cultural heritage and sustaining traditional economic activities.

Our Sustainable Initiatives

We have embarked on ongoing permaculture projects and sustainable Iboga agriculture initiatives. For our Iboga retreats, we exclusively utilize sustainably sourced Iboga. To ensure the continuity of this sacred plant, we pledge to plant at least five Iboga trees for every root harvested. The sustainable cultivation and harvest of Iboga and other sacred plants form a vital component of the curriculum taught during our educational programs.

Get involved

For information on how to get involved or on how to sign up to our retreats , please contact:

Bwiti Roots

+44 7445 499 504

Email: info@bwitiroots.org